HYDRAULICS PVT LTD | +919246179726 | Pultrusion machines manufacturer, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Hyderabad, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Hyderabad, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in Hyderabad, Rebar Machines manufacturer in Hyderabad, DMC Mixers manufacturer in Hyderabad, SMC Machines And Dies manufacturer in Hyderabad, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in Hyderabad, Material Handling Equipments manufacturer in Hyderabad, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs manufacturer in Hyderabad, Mobile Hoardings manufacturer in Hyderabad, Streatch Forming Machines and Dies manufacturer in Hyderabad, Bailing Presses manufacturer in Hyderabad, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in Hyderabad, Pultrusion machines manufacturer in India, Auncilary Items manufacturer in India, Filament Winding Machines manufacturer in india, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in India, Rebar Machines manufacturer in India, DMC Mixers manufacturer in India, SMC Machines manufacturer in india, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in India, Material Handling Equipments manufacturer in India, Streatch Forming Machines manufacturer in Hyderabad, Bailing Presses manufacturer in India, Pultrusion Machine, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in russia, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items suppliers in russia, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in russia, Rebar Machines manufacturer in Russia, DMC Mixers manufacturer in russia, SMC Machines & Dies suppliers in russia, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in russia, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in russia, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs manufacturer in russia, Mobile Hoardings suppliers in Russia, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Manufacturer in russia, Bailing Presses Manufacturer in russia, Custom Built Equipments Manufacturer in russia, Recovery Vans suppliers in russia, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in Australia, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Australia, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in australia, Rebar Machines manufacturer in Australia, DMC mixers Manufacturer in Australia, Hydraulic Presses Manufacturer in Australia, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in Australia, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs manufacturer in Australia, Mobile Hoardings suppliers in Australia, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies manufacturer in Australia, Bailing Presses manufacturerin australia, Custom Built Equipments suppliers in Australia, Recovery Vans manufacturer in Australia, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in china, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in china, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in china, Rebar Mcahines suppliers in china, DMC Mixers manufacturer in china, SMC Machines & Dies manufacturer in china, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in china, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in china, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Manufacturer in china, Mobile Hoardings suppliers in china, Streatch Forming Machines and Dies manufacturer in China, Bailing Presses manufacturer in china, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in china, Recovery Vans suppliers in china, pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in United states, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in united states, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in united states, Rebar Machines manufacturer in united states, DMC Mixers manufacturer in United states, SMC Machines & Dies suppliers in united states, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in United states, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in united states, Hydraulic Cylinders & power packs manufacturer in united states, Mobile Hoardings manufacturer in united states, Streatch forming Machines & Dies manufacturer in united states, Bailing presses manufacturer in united states, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in united states, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in united states, Pultrusion Machines &Auncilary Items manufacturer in Canada, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items suppliers in Canada, Polymer Insulator machinery manufacturer in canada, Rebar Machines suppliers in canada, DMC Mixers manufacturer in canada, SMC Machines & Dies manufacturer in canada, Hydraulic Presses manufacturerin canada, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in canada, Hydraulic Cylinders & power Packs manufacturer in canada, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in canada, Streatch Forming Machines ans Dies suppliers in canada, Bailing Presses manufacturer in canada, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in canada, Recovery Vans manufacturer in canada, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Germany, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Germany, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in Germany, Rebar Machines manufacturer in Germany, DMC Mixers manufacturer in Germany, SMC machines & Dies manufacturer in Germany, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in Germany, Material Handiling Equipments manufacturer in Germany, Hydraulic cylinder & Power packs manufacturer in Germany, Mobile Hoardings manufacturer in Germany, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies manufacturer in Germany, Bailing Presses manufacturer in Germany, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in Germany, Recovery Vans suppliers in Germany, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Mexico, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in mexico, Polymer Insulator Machinery Manufacturer in Mexico, Rebar Machines manufacturerin Mexico, DMC Mixers manufacturer in Mexico, SMC Machines & Dies manufacturer in Mexico, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in Mexico, Material Handiling Equipments Suppliers in Mexico, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs manufacturer in Mexico, Mobile Hoardings manufacturer in Mexico, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies manufacturer in Mexico, Bailing presses manufacturer in Mexico, Custom Built Equipments manufacturer in Mexico, Recovery Vans suppliers in Mexico, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in South Africa, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in South Africa, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in South Africa, Rebar Machines manufacturer in South Africa, DMC Mixers Manufacturer in South Africa, SMC Machines & Dies suppliers in South Africa, Hydraulic Preses manufacturer in South Africa, Material Handling Equipments suppliers in South Africa, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Manufacturer in South Africa, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in South Africa, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies suppliers in South Africa, Bailing Presses Manufacturer in South Africa, Custom Built Equipments Suppliers in South Africa, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in South Africa, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Indonesia, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Indonesia, Polymer Insulator Machinery manufacturer in Indonesia, Rebar Machines Manufacturer in Indonesia, DMC mixers Manufacturer in Indonesia, SMC Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Indonesia, Hydraulic Presses manufacturer in Indonesia, Material Handling Equipments manufacturer in Indonesia, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power packs manufacturer in Indonesia, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in Indonesia, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies manufacturer in Indonesia, Bailing Presses manufacturer in indonesia, Custom Built Equipments Suppliers in Indonesia, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in Indonesia, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in Pakistan, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Pakistan, Polymer Insulator Machinery Manufacturer in Pakistan, Rebar Machinery manufacturer in Pakistan, DMC Mixers manufacturer in Pakistan, SMC Machines & Dies manufacturer in Pakistan, Hydraulic Presses Manufacturer in Pakistan, Material Handling Equipments suppliers in Pakistan, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Suppliers in Pakistan, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in Pakistan, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Pakistan, Bailing Presses Manufacturer in pakistan, Custom Built equipments Manufacturer in Pakistan, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in Pakistan, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in Nigeria, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in Nigeria, Polymer Insulator Machinery Manufacturer in Nigeria, Rebar Machines manufacturer in Nigeria, DMC Mixers Manufacturer in NIgeria, SMC Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Nigeria, Hydraulic Presses Manufacturer in Nigeria, Material Handling Equipments Manufcaturer in Nigeria, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Manufacturer in Nigeria, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in Nigeria, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Nigeria, Bailing Presses Manufacturer in Nigeria, Custom Built Equipments Manufacturer in Nigeria, Recovery Vans Suppliers in Nigeria, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Suppliers in Brazil, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items producer in Brazil, Polymer Insulator Machinery Producer in Brazil, Rebar Machines producer in Brazil, DMC Mixers Producers in Brazil, SMC Machines & Dies Producers in Brazil, Hydraulic Presses Producers in Brazil, Material Handling Equipments producers in Brazil, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Producers in Brazil, Mobile Hoardings producers in Brazil, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Producers in Brazil, Bailing Presses Producers in Brazil, Custom Built Equipments Producers in Brazil, Recovery Vans Producers in Brazil, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Distributors in Sri Lanka, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items Distributors in Sri Lanka, Polymer Insulator Machinery Distributors in Sri Lanka, Rebar Machines Distributors in Sri Lanka, DMC Mixers Distributors in Sri Lanka, SMC Machines & Dies Distributors in Sri Lanka, Hydraulic presses Distributors in Sri Lanka, Material Handling Equipments Distributors in Sri Lanka, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Distributors in Sri Lanka, Mobile Hoardings Distributors in Sri Lanka, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Distributors in Sri Lanka, Bailing Presses Distributors in Sri Lanka, Custom Built Equipments Distributors in Sri Lanka, Recovery Vans Distributors in Sri Lanka, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Suppliers in Japan, Filament Winding Machines & Aucilary Items Suppliers in Japan, Polymer Insulator Machinery Suppliers in Japan, Rebar Machines Suppliers in Japan, DMC Mixers suppliers in japan, SMC Machines & Dies Suppliers in Japan, Material Handling Equipments Suppliers in Japan, Hydraulic Cylinders &Power Packs suppliersin Japan, Mobile Hoardings Suppliers in Japan, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies suppliers in Japan, Bailing Presses Suppliers in Japan, Custom Built Equipments Suppliers in Japan, Recovery Vans Suppliers in Japan, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items manufacturer in Egypt, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in Egypt, Polymer Insulator Machinery Manufacturer in Egypt, Rebar Machines Manufacturer in Egypt, DMC Mixers Manufacturer in Egypt, SMC Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Egypt, Hydraulic Presses Manufacturer in Egypt, Material Handling Equipments Manufacturer in Egypt, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power packs Manufacturer in Egypt, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in Egypt, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Manufacturer in Egypt, Bailing Presses manufacturer in Egypt, Custom Built Equipments Manufacturer in Egypt, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in Egypt, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Filament Winding Machines &Auncilary Items Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Rebar Machines Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, DMC Mixers Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, SMC Machines & Dies Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power packs Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Mobile Hoardings Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Bailing Presses Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Custom Built Equipments Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Recovery Vans Suppliers in Saudi Arabia, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Distributors in Spain, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items Distributors in Spain, Rebar Machines Distributors in Spain, DMC Mixers Distributors in Spain, SMC Machines Distributors in Spain, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power packs Distributors in Spain, Mobile Hoardings Distributors in Spain, Streatch Forming Machines & Dies Distributors in Spain, Bailing Presses Distributors in Spain, Custom Built Equipments Distributors in Spain, Recovery Vans Distributors in Spain, Pultrusion Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Filament Winding Machines & Auncilary Items Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Rebar Machines Manufacturer in United KIngdom, DMC Mixers Manufacturer in United Kingdom, SMC Machines & Die Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Hydraulic Cylinders & Power Packs Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Mobile Hoardings Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Streatch Forming Machines & dies Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Bailing presses Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Custom Built Equipment Manufacturer in United Kingdom, Recovery Vans Manufacturer in United Kingdom

Rebar Machines

About Us

We (SVS Hydraulics Introduce ourselves as a leading manufacturer of REBAR PULTRUSION MACHINES, Hydraulic Cylinders, Power Packs, Pultrusion Machines, Pultrusion Dies, Mobile Hoarding Vehicles, Material Handling Equipments, etc–Ours is an ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company. We have full-fledged manufacturing facilities at our works situated at Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.

We are supported by a team of qualified and experienced Engineers who have wide exposure in handling a variety of equipments, designing and manufacturing of Automation systems based on Hydraulics and Pneumatics. Based on our vast exposure to different kind of equipments, we can offer customized solution for any kind of Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Material handling problems.

It gives us immense pleasure to introduce our self’s the first and only manufacturer for Pultrusion Machine in India. We have gone into manufacturing of Pultrusion Machines since 2002.

We have indigenously developed hydraulically operated reciprocating Pultrusion Machine first time in India our Machines are already in function from 2002 very successfully. We started our export to Central America, Nigeria, Brazil, Hungary, Iraq  this has been commissioned and operating well to the at most satisfaction of the costumer and we are expecting repeat order from them. We are in process of export orders in Europe, Russia too.

Please give us an opportunity to serve for your requirement. We assure you that we live up to your expectations in quality and delivery schedules. Please found for more details at our Website (for our product range).


SVSHPL strives to help and develop processes and designs to keep the composite industry moving forward. SVSHPL feels that by training and delivering the best machinery on the market, we can help grow the composite industry worldwide. If we cannot help with our years of knowledge in this industry, we can certainly send a customer in the right direction. We do not try to sell machinery or services to every customer. We try to help evaluate production requirements and investment payoffs.


Introduction To Composites

A composite product provides a designed solution that surpasses the performance of the starting materials.

What Are Composites?

Composites are engineered products made from two or more different materials.  A composite product provides a designed solution that surpasses the performance of the starting materials.  While there are many variations of composites, the most common engineered composite materials are fiber reinforced polymers (FRP).

What are the Advantages of FRP Composites?
The benefits of using composite materials include:

  • High Strength
  • Light Weight
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Dimensional Stability
  • Design Flexibility
  • Durability

Where are composites found?
Composites are used to raise performance levels, address traditional material design limitations, and enable the development of new product solutions.  Composite materials are found in many of the products used in our daily lives, such as cars and trucks, bath tubs and counter tops, boats and windmills.  Composites are also used in many critical industrial, infrastructure, aerospace, and military applications.

What are composites made from?
The term composite can describe many types of engineered materials, but the most common engineered composite materials are fiber reinforced polymers (FRP).  FRP is often comprised of a reinforcing fiber in a polymer matrix.

  • The reinforcing fiber is commonly glass fiber, although high strength aramids, plant based fibers and carbon fibers are used in some applications.
  • The polymer matrix is typically a thermosetting binder resin.  Polyester, vinyl ester, and epoxy chemistries are the most predominately utilized binders.  Polymer selection is driven by end use application characteristics, such as corrosion considerations, cosmetic requirements, operating temperatures, and fabrication requirements.
  • Pigment, filler and granule materials can also be used to modify cost, performance and appearance characteristics of the composite part.

How are composite products made?
To form a composite part, the liquid polymer binder resin is combined with the fiber and filler materials.  The polymer is then converted from a liquid to a solid during a heat and chemistry driven molding process, encapsulating the fibers and fillers into a specific shape.

There are many processes available for fabricating composite parts.  The fabrication methods range from very simple and low cost direct molding operations to complex processes and equipment operations.  The process selected to fabricate the composite part is dependent upon factors such as the quantity of parts to be produced, the design requirements, part complexity and surface appearance.

Composites offer high strength, low weight, durability and design flexibility

Why Use Composites?

Composites, especially Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites, offer many advantages compared to traditional materials:

  • High strength:FRP composites are very effective in providing high strength components. They can be designed to provide a specific range of mechanical properties, including tensile, flexural, impact and compressive strengths.  Composite parts designed with oriented reinforcement can provide additional strength, directional strength, or flexural properties at desired locations within a single part.
  • Lightweight:FRP composites have a higher specific strength than most materials used in similar applications.  They can deliver more strength per weight than most metal alloys.
  • Corrosion Resistance:FRP composites do not rust or corrode.  There are various resin binder systems available which provide long-term resistance to most chemical and temperature environments.  Properly designed FRP composites parts have long service life and minimum maintenance compared to traditional building materials.
  • Durability:How long do composites last? Often, over fifty years and still counting.  FRP composite technology is “new” compared to the materials that it often replaces, such as concrete, steel and wood, so the full life span for many composite components is still being developed.  However, there are many cases of FRP composite boats, tanks and other products that are in use after more than 50 years of service life!  (Composite Durability overview)
  • Design Flexibility:FRP composites can be fabricated into virtually any shape.  An application can be complex in configuration, large or small, structural, decorative, or a combination of these.  Composites free designers to try new concepts, from prototype to production.
  • Parts Consolidation:Because of the design and fabrication flexibility of composites, single composite parts can replace complex assemblies units of multiple fasteners/parts that are produced with traditional materials such as wood, steel and aluminum.
  • Dimensional Stability:FRP composites maintain their shape and functionality even under severe mechanical and environmental stresses.  FRP composites typically do not exhibit the “cold-creep” characteristics of thermoplastics.
  • High Dielectric Strength:FRP composites have excellent electrical insulating properties, making them an obvious choice for components in current carrying applications.
  • Low Thermal Conductivity: FRP composites are naturally poor conductors, which makes them great for applications such as window lineals, door skins, exterior cladding and other products where insulation is important.  However, thermally conductive or electrically conductive materials can be incorporated into the composite part if high thermal or electrical conductivity is required.
  • Elevated Temperature Service:Composite parts fabricated utilizing appropriate polymer binder and filler technology perform very well in high temperature applications.

Composites reduce environmental impact by direct applications and through functional applications.

Composites & Sustainability

Many of the properties that make FRP composites the preferred material of choice for performance reasons also result in a more sustainable material.  These properties include:

  • Durability, requiring less frequent maintenance and replacement
  • Resistance to rot and corrosion, resulting in a longer service life
  • Low weight, resulting in lower impact transportation and/or installation by reducing the size of equipment needed for installation
  • Insulating, providing energy savings during use

Composites can contribute to reducing environmental impact by direct application and through functional applications.

Direct contribution can be seen in applications that reduce energy requirements, such as:

  • Fiberglasswindow lineal and doors do not rot, rust or swell – resulting in fewer air leaks and better seals than wood and steel products.  Also FRP components provide inherent insulation value that far exceeds aluminum and steel products.
  • Theheavy truck industry has moved to predominately composite bodies.  This move from steel to FRP reduces truck weight and allows for more freight to be carried, so fewer trips are required, and also provides for significant fuel savings when the truck is pulling empty.

Functional contribution can be seen in applications such as:

  • Wind turbines, where the composite blades allow significantly longer length than traditional wood blades and facilitate the production of clean energy.
  • Scrubbers and stacksthat can resist the corrosive nature of flue gas desulfurization and other scrubbing operations allow industrial operations to remove air contaminants under conditions that would fail traditional metals very quickly.


The Future of Composites
The composite industry is driving to improve in the area of sustainability, including:

  • Generation of more life cycle analysis studies. The American Composite Manufacturers Association has recently led an industry wide effort to develop Life Cycle Inventory data for the major raw materials and processes used in composite products.   This will make future LCAs easier to perform, more accurate and lower cost.  Similar efforts to develop European LCI data sets are underway.
  • The use of alternative materials. The use of alternatives is not limited to composites replacing traditional materials.  The composite industry has been aggressively identifying and utilizing recycled materials as fillers and in the binder resins.  There has also been significant work to replace petroleum based raw materials with bio based materials.  This trend is expected to continue.
  • The use of natural fiber reinforcements. Natural fibers, such as flax, hemp, and jute, have been significantly studied and improved and are now being used as a partial or full replacement for the traditional fiber reinforcement in reinforced composite parts.
  • Improved logistics for recycling composite materials. Composites are durable, and this makes recycling composites a challenge.  As the industry develops improved means of recycling, there is a larger need for lower cost and more consumer friendly means of collecting, handling and shipping composite materials for re-use.  An improvement in the recycling options available is a key industry objective.

About Composite Rebar

Corrosion and deterioration of steel reinforced concrete creates a significant maintenance and replacement demand. The costs to mitigate or remediate structures due to rebar/concrete corrosion are high. Composite FRP rebar provides a non corrosive reinforcement to concrete that provides the necessary strength and reinforcement, significantly enhancing service life of the reinforced concrete. Composite rebar is 1/4 the weight of steel and has a tensile strength greater than steel.

One of the main reasons for considering FRP bars for concrete reinforcement is that steel corrodes in concrete subjected to harsh environments, resulting in loss of strength and structural integrity. Highway structures are particularly prone to this corrosion, as they are exposed to the outdoor environment and to deicing salts in colder climates. It is essential that all tensile reinforcing elements, including FRP bars to be used in concrete structures, retain sufficient strength capabilities during the expected life of the concrete structure. C-BAR® deformed FRP bars are a suitable alternative to steel reinforcing bars when reinforced concrete is:

  • Exposed to deicing salts.
  • Built in or close to seawater.
  • Subjected to other corrosive agents.
  • Required to maintain low electric conductivity or electromagnetic neutrality.
  • Required to save weight. Composite rebar deformed FRP bars are 25% of the weight of equivalent size steel bar.

Technical Specs / Machine Range
